4D Pack v13.2

AP Get picture type


4D Pack v13.2
AP Get picture type

AP Get picture type 


AP Get picture type ( storedPicture ) -> Function result 
Parameter Type   Description
storedPicture  BLOB in Picture stored as a BLOB
Function result  Longint in Type of the picture

Compatibility Note: This command is now obsolete; it is kept only for compatibility reasons and will be removed in future versions of the plug-in. It is strongly recommended to use the 4D commands of the "Pictures" them

AP Get picture type returns the type of the image stored in the BLOB storedPicture:

-1Unknown type
0'PICT' picture
1QuickTime compressed 'PICT' picture
2JPEG picture
3WMF picture
4EMF picture
5BMP picture
6GIF picture


This example stores a picture in a BLOB and then stores its type in $type.

 DOCUMENT TO BLOB($thefile;$theblob)
 $type:=AP Get picture type($theblob)


Product: 4D Pack
Theme: 4D_Pack : Utilities
Number: 61962

This command is deprecated and should not be used anymore


Alphabetical list of commands


Created: 4D Pack 6.0.5